The menstrual cycle and menstruation are sometimes associated with very unpleasant discomfort. Occasionally, women suffer from abdominal pain not only during but also after their period. These can sometimes turn everyday life into a real torment. In this article you will find out what causes abdominal pain after your period and what you can do about it.
The most important facts about abdominal pain at a glance
- Unpleasant abdominal pain before and during your period is part of everyday life for many women.
- Some women also have abdominal pain after their period.
- Abdominal pain can have harmless causes or it can be a sign of a serious illness.
- If the abdominal pain is very severe and there are other symptoms, women should contact their gynaecologist as soon as possible.
- If the pain is not caused by a disease, women can try to relieve it by making changes to their lifestyle.
- Taking painkillers is not a permanent solution because of possible side effects.
Lower abdominal pain is part of everyday life for many women
If you are regularly affected by pain in your lower abdomen, you are not alone. Many women experience abdominal pain again and again during their menstrual cycle.
While for some women the pain is limited to an occasional pulling sensation, for others it is almost unbearable and can seriously affect their daily lives.
When does abdominal pain occur?
Basically, women can experience unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen at any stage of the menstrual cycle:
- Abdominal pain before the period can be a PMS symptom in women.
- If the abdominal pain occurs during the period, it is typical period pain.
- Some women also suffer from unpleasant pain in their abdomen after their period.
What are the causes of abdominal pain?
Abdominal pain is known to occur very often in the form of period pain during the period. This is because the muscles of the uterus contract again and again during menstruation to expel the previously built-up lining of the uterus. In some cases, the pain caused by this can even radiate to the back.
If the abdominal pain already occurs before the period, it is a symptom of premenstrual syndrome. PMS affects many women and can cause many other symptoms besides abdominal pain. Depending on the severity of the PMS symptoms, a visit to the gynaecologist may be advisable.
Be careful with abdominal pain after your period
Period pains naturally disappear along with your period. Unfortunately, however, abdominal pain can still occur afterwards. There are many possible causes. Some are largely harmless, while others need urgent treatment.
Possible disease-related causes of abdominal pain after menstruation are, for example:
- Endometriosis
- Inflammation of the uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes
- Bladder or kidney stones
- Miscarriage
- Narrowing of the vagina
- Tumour diseases
- Constipation
- Cysts and other benign growths
- Ectopic pregnancy
When is abdominal pain after a period a case for the doctor?
To a certain extent, abdominal pain is normal for women. Fortunately, there is often no need to worry about it. However, in certain situations, a visit to the gynaecologist may be advisable.
These include blood in the stool or urine, severe diarrhoea, fever and heavy menstruation. Apart from that, you should also see your gynaecologist if you have very severe abdominal pain or if it lasts for a long time.
Can abdominal pain have psychological causes?
Sometimes abdominal pain can also have a psychological cause. Constant stress at work or problems with your partner can quickly affect your mood and can also make themselves felt with physical complaints.
How can pain in the lower abdomen be counteracted?
If the pain in the lower abdomen after the period cannot be traced back to a disease, there are a few things that affected women can do to alleviate it or even avoid it completely.
As is often the case, a healthy lifestyle is crucial in this context:
- Physical activities such as yoga and walking can help to counteract pain and cramps in the lower abdomen.
- A balanced diet that avoids things like alcohol and fast food has a positive effect on overall well-being.
- Avoiding excessive stress and taking regular time to relax can help prevent complaints such as abdominal pain.
- Adequate fluid intake in the form of water or unsweetened teas not only helps to relieve abdominal pain.
Heat for abdominal pain?
If you have abdominal pain, you can also try to counteract it with heat. For example, use a hot water bottle or drink hot tea. Alternatively, you can take a hot bath and take some time for yourself until the pain in your abdomen has subsided.
Painkillers for abdominal pain?
If you suffer from abdominal pain on a regular basis, it is natural to try to relieve it with painkillers. This is understandable. However, you should be aware that taking painkillers for a long time is associated with various risks. It is therefore not recommended as a long-term solution.