Many women sense quite early on that they may be pregnant. For others, however, it takes quite a while before they realise that they are in different circumstances. This is not least because some early symptoms in pregnant women are reminiscent of the feeling associated with the onset of menstruation.
We'll explain below which signs of pregnancy can occur and when you can expect them. You can also find out when you can actually be sure that you are pregnant.
Signs of pregnancy - the most important at a glance
- The feeling associated with implantation of the fertilised egg is sometimes confused with the onset of menstruation.
- Symptoms such as morning sickness and food cravings can be early indicators of a possible pregnancy.
- If you think you are pregnant, you can take a pregnancy test that measures the level of hCG in your urine.
- You will need to see your gynaecologist for an ultrasound scan to be sure that you are pregnant.
- The symptoms of premenstrual syndrome are similar to the early signs of pregnancy.
- Light bleeding in the first trimester is not unusual and has nothing to do with your period.
Signs of pregnancy can vary from woman to woman
The signs of pregnancy and how pronounced they are are known to vary from woman to woman. Typical early signs that may indicate pregnancy are, for example, food cravings or morning sickness. Women may also experience breast tenderness at the beginning of pregnancy.
Skin changes and digestive problems such as constipation or diarrhoea are also possible. Of course, not all symptoms are signs that indicate pregnancy. It is therefore not possible to say with absolute certainty whether you are actually pregnant on the basis of small abnormalities.
When do the first signs of pregnancy appear?
It does not always take until menstruation stops before women start to feel that they are pregnant. If you know your body very well, you can probably feel the first signs of pregnancy even earlier. This is because your body changes immediately after the egg implants in your womb. Often you will feel a slight pulling in your lower abdomen.
This so-called implantation pain occurs seven to ten days after successful fertilisation. The associated feeling is similar to that at the beginning of menstruation. Sometimes women think they are getting their period, when in fact they are pregnant.
Another early sign of pregnancy that can occur about two weeks after conception is so-called implantation bleeding. These are faint, usually light-coloured bleedings that occur while the fertilised egg is implanting in the uterus. Implantation bleeding occurs in about one in four pregnant women. They are also sometimes mistaken for periods, although they are usually noticeably weaker.
Uncertain signs of a possible pregnancy
As soon as the fertilised egg has implanted in your womb, your body starts to change and produce pregnancy hormones. The hormonal changes can cause some early symptoms, such as sensitive nipples, nausea and vomiting.
Your breasts may also start to swell a little at this time, which can be noticeable through a tense feeling and a noticeable sensitivity to touch. Another symptom that is often seen as the ultimate sign of pregnancy is morning sickness.
Apart from this, various other symptoms can occur, ranging from tiredness and an increased urge to urinate to constipation or even recurring sudden attacks of ravenous hunger. All these things can certainly be caused by pregnancy. However, they are not a sure sign that you are pregnant.
Probable signs of pregnancy
In addition to the uncertain signs mentioned above, there are also a number of pregnancy signs which, if they occur, make it very likely that you are actually pregnant. These include the absence of menstruation, a positive pregnancy test and increased pigmentation of your areolas.
Apart from this, the so-called basal body temperature also increases in pregnant women. This is your body temperature right after you wake up. To be considered a likely sign of pregnancy, your basal body temperature must be elevated for at least 18 days. Of course, you can only check this if you took it regularly before you became pregnant. If this is not the case, you have no way of comparing your temperature, so unfortunately your basal body temperature is not meaningful.
A visit to your gynaecologist will give you some certainty
The signs mentioned above can indicate pregnancy with a high degree of probability. However, they do not give you any certainty. You can only be sure when your gynaecologist has detected the amniotic sac with the help of an ultrasound scan, for example, or when you can hear the embryo's heartbeat or feel the baby's movements through your abdominal wall.
In many cases, the amniotic sac and the embryo inside it are already clearly visible during an ultrasound examination in the fifth week of pregnancy. The heart sounds of the embryo, on the other hand, can only be shown on ultrasound from the seventh week of pregnancy. At this point, at the latest, it should be clear beyond doubt that you will actually become a mother in a few months.
When can I take a pregnancy test?
If you have stopped taking your contraceptive pill and notice the first early signs of a possible pregnancy, you can take a pregnancy test immediately after you stop menstruating. The exact handling of the tests, which you can buy at any drugstore or pharmacy, may vary slightly from manufacturer to manufacturer.
However, the basic way they work is always the same. They always measure the hCG concentration in your urine. hCG is the pregnancy hormone that is produced shortly after the fertilised egg has implanted in the uterus. If the levels in your urine are elevated, the pregnancy test will show this.
To do the test, you need to urinate on the test strip. It is usually recommended that you hold it under the so-called midstream urine. Apart from this, the test result is usually particularly accurate if you take the pregnancy test first thing in the morning when you get up. Regardless of this, we advise you to read the enclosed instructions beforehand to avoid application errors.
If your pregnancy test is positive, you should make an appointment with your gynaecologist as soon as possible. She can confirm the test result with an ultrasound scan and determine how far along you are so that she can calculate your due date. She can also give you important advice for the coming months, so that hopefully nothing will stand in the way of a complication-free pregnancy and a smooth birth of a healthy baby.
Pregnancy or premenstrual syndrome?
Many women suffer from premenstrual syndrome (PMS). This is a variety of symptoms that occur in affected women during their menstrual cycle a few days to two weeks before their actual menstruation. The exact symptoms of PMS can vary from woman to woman. They are often extremely unpleasant and can considerably restrict your well-being in everyday life.
PMS can make itself felt in women through the following symptoms, among others:
- Abdominal pain
- Weight gain Nausea
- Mood swings
- Cravings
- Sensitive breasts
The symptoms of premenstrual syndrome are similar to early signs of pregnancy. This means that it is not always easy to tell the two apart. However, if your supposed PMS symptoms suddenly vary and certain symptoms are more pronounced than you are used to, this is usually more of a sign that you are pregnant.
Can you get your period despite being pregnant?
It is not uncommon to have periods during pregnancy. However, this is not really menstrual bleeding. This is because when you are pregnant, it practically interrupts your menstrual cycle. Ovulation stops for the time being and the already fertilised egg nests in your womb. If you notice bleeding right at the beginning of your pregnancy, this is usually so-called implantation bleeding. Many women then have the feeling that they are menstruating, when in fact they are pregnant and expecting a baby.
In addition to implantation bleeding, other bleeding can occur due to the changes taking place in your body, especially in the first third of pregnancy. This is not unusual and in most cases completely harmless. In this case, a period pants is an ideal choice to protect you without a tampon or menstrual cup.
However, if your bleeding is unusually heavy and perhaps also occurs in combination with pain in the lower abdomen, we recommend that you talk to your gynaecologist as soon as possible. In this case, the bleeding may be caused by an ectopic pregnancy or a miscarriage.
Our conclusion on pregnancy signs ❤️
As you can see, there are a lot of different signs that can indicate a possible pregnancy at a very early stage. Some of these are similar to the symptoms triggered by premenstrual syndrome or cause a feeling similar to menstruation, even though you are actually pregnant.
Regardless of this, symptoms such as morning sickness or abdominal pain are of course not a sure sign of pregnancy. You can only be absolutely sure if you have an ultrasound scan with your gynaecologist. If your suspicions are confirmed and you are really expecting a baby, we wish you all the best.
If you have light bleeding in the first few weeks of your pregnancy, we recommend that you use our period panties. In the Weekiss shop you will find several models to choose from. We are sure that you will enjoy the comfort and quality of our period underwear during your pregnancy.