The body temperature changes in the course of the cycle. While it rises slightly shortly after ovulation, it drops slightly before the period. Observing and documenting your body temperature can be useful in various situations. When this is the case and how to do it properly is explained below.
Body temperature during the cycle - the most important facts at a glance
- Body temperature changes during the female cycle.
- One to two days after ovulation, the temperature rises.
- About one to two days before your period, the temperature drops.
- To document the temperature, a measurement of the so-called basal body temperature is necessary.
- Basal body temperature is taken directly in the morning when you wake up.
- Documenting your basal body temperature can help you determine your fertile days and predict your period.
- Taking your basal body temperature is not the only method of contraception.
- With Weekiss menstrual underwear, you are optimally protected during your period.
Why your normal body temperature is not meaningful
Measuring your normal body temperature is not suitable for determining the time of ovulation and the fertile days. This is because it can fluctuate due to various external influences.
Among other things, it is influenced by physical activity, the ambient temperature, stress or the intake of food. If, for example, you are cold one day and warm the next, you will probably get different results regardless of the phase in your cycle.
Basal body temperature, on the other hand, is a different story. If you measure it correctly, it will give you much more accurate values that you can actually use, at least to a certain extent.
What is basal body temperature?
Basal body temperature, or basal body temperature, is the temperature your body has right after you wake up. For this reason, it is sometimes called the waking temperature. Basal body temperature changes in women during the menstrual cycle. Among other things, it can help you determine when you are ovulating and predict the onset of your next period.
What to look for when taking your basal body temperature

It is important that you take your basal body temperature correctly. Always take your temperature in the same place and immediately after getting up, before you do any physical activity. Also, make sure you have slept at least six or seven hours during the night.
If you keep changing your measurements, the resulting inaccuracies can seriously affect the validity of the results.
Keep in mind that fever, drinking alcohol the night before or taking various medications can affect your basal body temperature and lead to errors in your basal body temperature readings.
Keep a written record of your results
Of course, you should document your basal body temperature in order to keep track of it and to actually be able to use the knowledge you have gained in your everyday life. For example, you can use a regular notebook, a cycle calendar template or an app for your smartphone.
How your temperature changes during your cycle
During the menstrual cycle, the female hormone balance is subject to regular fluctuations. These have an effect on the body and mood. Apart from that, they also lead to fluctuations in body temperature, among other things.
In the first half of the cycle, the temperature is usually somewhat lower, which is primarily due to the hormone oestrogen. In the second half of the cycle, on the other hand, the body temperature is usually slightly higher, which is mainly due to the change in progesterone levels.
Temperature rise after ovulation
Immediately before ovulation, the level of luteinising hormone is particularly high. This often causes the temperature to drop slightly. One or two days after you ovulate, your body temperature rises by about half a degree. This is due to your progesterone level, which is now greatly increased.
When your temperature drops before your period
If the function of the corpus luteum is not impaired, the rise in basal body temperature lasts for about 10 days to two weeks, depending on the length of the cycle. Before your period, the temperature drops again. Normally, this happens about one or two days before the onset of the period. However, as we know, the cycle is not always absolutely regular, so there can be minor deviations.
What are the benefits of measuring basal body temperature?
The main benefit for women of regularly taking their basal body temperature is that they can find out if and when they have ovulated.
Apart from that, a drop in body temperature before your period can be a sign that your period is approaching and you should have suitable menstrual products, such as period underwear from Weekiss, to hand.
Check out our menstrual underwear in the shop.
Finding your fertile days using your basal body temperature
If you want to use your basal body temperature to find out when you're ovulating, it's necessary to keep a record of your temperature over several menstrual cycles. If you want to have a baby, this can help you determine your fertile days and plan accordingly.
Detecting pregnancy with basal body temperature
If your basal body temperature remains elevated for more than 18 days after it has risen, this may be a sign of pregnancy. If you are also not menstruating, it is quite likely that you are in different circumstances and are expecting a baby. If you take a pregnancy test now and it is positive, it is time to make an appointment with your gynaecologist.
Contraception only by measuring the basal body temperature?
Some women use the regular measurement of basal body temperature and the associated determination of ovulation for contraception.
However, inaccuracies can occur in the measurement for various reasons. In addition, the female cycle is not always completely regular.
If you don't want to have a baby and want to use reliable contraception, it's a bad idea to rely solely on basal body temperature.
Body temperature and the menstrual cycle - our conclusion
As you can see, documenting your body temperature can be useful and help you to check whether you have ovulated. However, taking your basal body temperature does not give you absolute certainty. It is therefore neither suitable as a sole contraceptive method nor permanently for women who are involuntarily childless. In both cases, there are more reliable methods you can use instead.